
Treadmill running!

Managed to make it back to the gym today to have a quick run at lunch and a slightly more gentle run after work to ease myself back into running. Unfortunately the injuries havent gone away like i had hoped which is slightly unsettling considering that the first marathon is less than a week away!

But, i shall prevail (hopefully!) and failing that, I have a physio appointment tomorrow which should set me right (perhaps only temporarily, but i'll take what i can get to make sunday a success!).

Its odd to think that the challenge has come about so quickly considering it was 6months or so ago that I started planning this and i was contemplating 24 marathons in 12 months! With the on going injury, it's likely to be a rocky start, but i have all the confidence in the world that things will settle down as it progressess.

Many thanks to everyone who has supported me so far, I don;t think I would have even got this far without you.