
Tempo Run (short) 07.11.2012

Intervals: 1.6km (easy) 8km (marathon pace) 1.6km (easy)
desired pace: 5:30 min/km- 6:00 min/km, 4:37 min/km, 5:30 min/km-6:00 min/km

run report

1. 9:20.2, 1.6km, avg pace 5:50 min/km
2. 37.05.7, 8.00km, avg pace 4:38 min/km
3. 8:40.9, 1.6km, avg pace 5:26 min/km

Overall a successful run for me this evening. I haven't been able to run more than 4 miles or so at any one time recently and was becoming increasingly apprehensive with marathon number 11 only 11 days away.

Thankfully the run went well and restored part of my confidence with running in light of the upcoming marathon and hopefully I will be able to regain some of my former ability in the days to come.