Warm up: 200m fc, 200m kick w/fins, 209m fc w/paddles, 200m fc with buoy.
Main (what I managed of it!): 2x400m, 5x100m.
What I didn't manage: 900m, 4x100, 900m
Great session tonight in the 50m pool. The new technique with my hands is certainly paying off, but it means that my shoulders are fatiguing quickly as they're pushing more water with each stroke.
Mike mentioned again that my right arm is coming over the centre line too much so will have to work on that over the coming weeks.
I'm now about a month into the training regime and its been pretty tough so far.
I think that I'm going to have to reassess how much time per week I can reasonably spend training and then organise my training around that.
One thing I want to avoid, and I think I'm starting to fall foul of it already, is over training. I am going to have a good think over the week about where my priorities have to be so that I can achieve the best results by June and then sit down and tweak my training plan accordingly.
One of the things I might have to reign back is the running. I am happy that I can manage the 10k distance that I need to so I will mostly likely take out the long Friday runs and focus on cycling on those days.
Definitely lots to think about!