Now that i'm trying to get my running back on track for the reaminder of the season, I figured doing the park run on a weekly basis gives me a good baseline to monitor my progress and see whether i am making any improvements or whether there are any noticable trends in my racing style.
I managed at reasonable 18:57 at parkrun this morning which is only 6 seconds slower than my PB which remains at 18:51 set on 16/03/2013. The start was still pretty slow and next time I think I am going to start much closer to the front.
I felt pretty strong throughout though and the finish was faster than the start. On review of the garmin record I think i need to work on the start (which hopefully should be sorted by starting towards the front) and the middle section when my pace seems to fluctuate more than the rest of the course.
With running now taking a more structed approach, hopefully I will be able to start chipping away closer to the 18 minute mark by mid summer.
Garmin report:
I went for a bike ride today with a friend of mine who has just bought their first road bike. It was a nice leisurely ride towards Castle Coch at a reasonable pace, but the weather is still particular nippy despite the blue skies and so we called it a day at 12 miles or so.
Overall, it was a nice short ride and it felt good to get out in the fresh air on a Saturday morning!
Garmin report: