This thursday session was the overload week before the monthly 1500m time trial and so I knew it was going to be a pretty full on session.
Lately my swimming as been coming along pretty well I think. I am now working on my technique, now that I actually have a technique, and slowly but surely are seeing minor improvements here and there.
I am still working on bilateral breathing which I am struggling with. I find that I don't extend my right arm when trying to breath on my left hand side as I do with my left arm when I am breathing on my right hand side and consequently I find my head twisting too far up and to the left struggling to get a decent breath in before I get a mouthful of water.
Pete has suggested that I take a few minutes at the end of each session when the pool is quieter to practice rather than attempting to do it whilst the session is in progress, this way I can take my time and think clearly about what I am trying to do and noticing what I am not doing on my left that I am on my right.
The session plan for this evening was pretty standard albeit slightly grueling and I am happy to say that for the first time I completed the entire session's set (even if it was slightly after everyone else!) which makes me think that I've come a fair way from December when I could barely swim 50m.
Warm up: 4x (50m swim, 50m drill, 100m swim) -- 800m total
Main Set - each subset getting progressively faster:
25m, 50m ,75m ,100m -- front crawl -- 250m total
125m, 150m, 175m, 200m -- pool buoy and paddles -- 650m total
225m, 250m, 275m -- front crawl -- 750m total
total distance swam: 2,450m