
08/04/2013-14/04/2013 - My training week

Last week's training can be summed up in one word: awful.
There are of course a myriad of other words that I could use, but that one seems to sum it up nice and neatly and gives the most accurate reflection of how I think it went.

I missed all but 2 scheduled training sessions, and even one of those was a day late!

Part of the issue is work at the moment, which is hectic to a new degree and mentally quite exhausting which leaves me very drained at the end of the day when I eventually get home.

The weather was also particularly abissmal meaning after that returning home after the aforementioned bad day at work, soaked through from the torrential rain on my ride home, the last thing I wanted to do was to get back outside to get soaked through again.

The above two reasons are, as I well know, pretty crappy excuses for skipping training. They are excuses, not reasons or explanations, but excuses. I could, and should, have picked myself up and put in the miles as after all, the end result is a product of all the miles (both the easy and the hard) that I put in over the season.

There was another hiccup, which isn't so much of an excuse as it was pretty unavoidable, but there was an issue with my car meaning that I couldn't drive to swimming on thursday. Ordinarily, this wouldn't have been an issue as afterall, where there's a will there's a way, but coupled with the above two excuses meant that thursday didn't happen either.

So, an awful training week which I feel quite ashamed of.

Still, it is only one week which can be recovered from. With a solid weekend behind my I intend to start getting things back on track and, more generally, will be trying to sort things out so that life's little speed bumps stay exactly like that, little, and I don't have another repeat of last week.