The reason I was in London this weekend was to support my brother at the Cambridge duathlon which comprised a 7.5km run, 40km bike and a final 7.5km run.
Unfortunately, do to some car issues we didnt make it to the race in time and had we have made it to the venue, we would have missed the transition cut off. This was a real shame as Adam had been pretty psyched for his first race of the season and he had been putting in the hours in anticipation for it.
Still, these things do unfortunately happen some times and it's not worth dwelling on what you can't change.
Instead, we decided to do a mock up triathlon consisting of a 1km pool swim, 25km ride on the watt bikes in the gym and then a 6km run or so around Canary Wharf.
The last time I was swimming in London was around Christmas before I had joined Cardiff Tri and had some training with my stroke and at that point I think I completed 1km in about 45 minutes or so. The last 4 months of training have obviously paid off as my time was 22 mins 20 seconds today which is in line with my 1.5km time trial in Cardiff.
The watt bike was a new experience as I haven't really, much to my annoyance, been able to put in any long rides lately. The 25km ride took 42:01 with an average speed of 37km/h which I am really happy with.
The feedback from Adamw as that I should be able to sustain a higher power output over this distance which is admittedly a work in progress. My issue seems to be a low lactate threshold which I am currently working on using the turbo trainer and doing some endurance sets.
It is a marked improvement from the last watt bike session where I had issues maintaining 150w and looking back, I have taken approximately 15 minutes off from my 15km time. The dualthon back at the end of last year saw me take 40 mins+ for 15km and this session saw it off in 25:05.
The run after the bike session is still pretty taxing as I am not quite used to getting my legs moving after being on the bike for so long. Still, we set off around the river path for a "gentle" run in some brilliant sunshine.
Adam's running has come along in leaps and bounds and so the "gentle" run was not quite as gentle as I was hoping for and we put in 6.25km in 26 mins 22, an average of 4:13/km.
Garmin report for the run:
The experience was definitely a good one and gave me back some of the drive that I have been lacking lately. It's good to know that I am making progress and by looking back as far as january for my comparison point I can see just how much progress I have made.
There is still a fair way to go before the start of my A race season and hopefully I'll be able to take off a few more minutes here and there before then.