
08/04/2013: Swimming

After the success of Thursday night and the continued improvement in my swimming, I am starting to get a much more positive about my ability in the pool.

Sunday's session was brought forward by half an hour but, me being me, I didn't read the notice properly and so it was a bit of a mad dash to get to the pool on time. In hindsight, that might have been one of the reasons for the good session as it meant that I just dived in the pool and got swimming rather than standing around for 10 minutes before hand.

The set was fairly standard for a sunday night consisting of:
Warm up: 200m f/c, 200m kick w/ fins, 200m pull with paddles, 200m fc w/ pool buoy
Main set: 2x400, (5x100), 1x1000 --- note that I did not do the 5x100 set, as a rule everyone gets started on the 1000 at the same time, so its largely dictated by the fastest lane.

My small triumph of the evening was that it was the first time I have swum 1000m and not had to stop due to fatigue at any point. Whilst I was drafting within a pack, this pushed me to work harder than I usually would in order to keep up and was probably a crucial part of why I was able to finish without "blowing up" at any point.

Next week I think I am going to try and stick around for the full 90 minutes and see how I get on. I figure that I now have a semblance of endurance in the pool and so hopefully this will be improved upon with the extra half an hour.