
08/04/2013: Easy Cycle

I had planned to do the long ride on saturday with the club but owing to a slight mishap with my alcohol intake, it became very apparent on Saturday morning that that wasn't going to happen!
Saturday was spent mostly resting which I think my body needed after the first week of the new training schedule. I'll be doing a post later looking at the week as a whole and jotting down some ideas of how it went, both good and bad, and looking at how I can improve as I go on.

Sunday was a pretty nice day weather wise and so I went with a friend for a reasonably comfortable ride down to the bay and bike. You can't go particularly fast along the Taff Trail owing to the large amount of foot traffic which was to be expected because of the uptake in the weather.

Still, it was a nice ride of about 15 miles or so. I kept forgetting to start my Garmin again after rest stops so the record is slightly inaccurate, but shows roughly the route we took.

I've picked up a few more bruises, this time on the soles of my feet after treading on some stones in my haste to find the loo! They will at least make sprints tonight a touch more interesting!

Garmin report: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/294773016