
What a difference a day makes!

Haven't been able to log any miles this weekend due to a calf injury that appeared from no where, which as you can imagine, is the last thing that I want a week before marathon number 4!

On a plus note, the down time coupled with a few ice baths seems to have done the trick and the calf is feeling much improved now. Planning on a further ice bath this evening so that hopefully, will be able to get out and about tomorrow to start the taper down week before London on Sunday.

The Bournemouth Echo was looking for local runners to attend a photoshoot at the Littledown Centre, which was a good opportunity to meet some of the locals that are running London for various causes. It's good to see the number of people that turned up as it's a good sign that people are still willing to give up their time, energy, and money to help those less fortunate.

I'll be keeping my eye out for the article and will try to put a copy of the publication on here once its available.

Kudos to those who ran the Brighton marathon today, from what I hear, it was an amazing event. A massive well done goes to Kelly Lucas who completed it the day after completing her first ultra marathon, which on its own is no small feat, let alone running a further 26 miles the next day!